Do you think you or your loved one has contracted Coronavirus?

If you or a family member develops symptoms of Coronavirus, including fever, cough or shortness of breath, and there is a reason to believe they may have been exposed, you should call your health care provider and local health department before seeking care. Contacting them in advance will make sure that people can get the care they need without putting others at risk. Please be sure to tell your health care provider about your travel history.

Dr. Clarissa Kripke, Director of the UCSF Office of Developmental Primary Care, advises:

“If you or a loved one gets sick, call your doctor and local public health department for instructions. Put a surgical mask on the sick person if you have one, have them stay in a room by themselves until you get further instructions. If they can’t be left unobserved, stay 6 feet way if possible. If you have to get close for personal care, wear a mask and gloves if you have them. Either way, wash immediately after. Don’t touch things a sick person may have coughed or sneezed on without disinfecting the surface and washing your hands.”

Here is a list of local public health departments.

You should also contact your regional center service coordinator immediately to seek additional support, such as respite or personal assistance hours, if one of your caregivers is unable to work or you or your family member are home for additional hours because of school or program closures.