Webinar on Coronavirus Emergency Preparedness Planning for People with Disabilities and Their Families

This is a Disability Voices United webinar recorded March 25, 11 AM – 1:30 PM. The webinar aims to help people with disabilities and their families prepare in case they or someone in their household is infected with SARS-CoV-19, or the new coronavirus. Some content is particular to the California regional center system. Other content, such as the healthcare passport or the checklists presented, may be broadly useful.

Transcript of webinar

Resources Used in The Webinar

Plain Language Coronavirus Emergency Checklist

Plain Language Coronavirus Emergency Plan Form

Communication Dictionary template courtesy of Lori Shepard

Typeable Health Passport Form

COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness: AAC & Communication

Helen Sanderson Associates has an excellent resource on one-page profiles.

Communication Dictionary Spreadsheet provided by Lori Shepard.