Services through the SDP
A participant can set up a wide range of services and supports through the Self-Determination Program. These include traditional services but also include unique activities, items, and supports available in the community that are not usually funded by your regional center. The Self-Determination Program will also allow you to access some services that have been suspended or limited since 2009 by the California legislature, such as social and recreation programs, camp, educational services, and non-medical therapies.
Unlike traditional regional center services, you are not required to use agencies that are vendored with your regional center. (“Vendored” means that the regional center has a contract with this agency.) You can hire people in your community to help you meet your goals.
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) website contains a long list of the services that the federal government has approved. Some of the services are very general, such as “Participant Directed Goods and Services,” and can be inclusive of many things. But you shouldn’t be picking a service from a list! Your services should come from your person-centered plan. But if you really really really need to see the list, it is located here: Self-Determination Program Services Definitions.