Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Disability Voices United is a
statewide organization directed
by and for individuals with
disabilities and our families,
advocating for

• Choice and control
• Equity and accountability
• Meaningful outcomes

Join Disability Voices United’s mailing list to stay informed of our events and advocacy activities.

AB 1147: Bold Solutions to the
Regional Centers’ Big Problems

Read more about this groundbreaking bill. >>

Look who’s supporting AB 1147! >

Look who’s supporting AB 1147! >

AB 1147: Soluciones audaces a los grandes
problemas de los centros regionales

Más información sobre este innovador proyecto de ley en español. >>

Updated “Think Outside the Box” Now Available

Our updated guide to the Self-Determination Program is now available. This edition of Think Outside the Box: Information and Resources About California’s Self-Determination Program is fully updated as of January 2023, and contains tons of new information about the SDP.

Edición Actualizada de “Piense de forma creativa” ya disponible

Nuestra guia actualizado del Programa de Autodeterminación ya está disponible. Esta edición de Piense de forma creativa: Información y recursos sobre el programa de autodeterminación de california está totalmente actualizada a partir de enero de 2023, y contiene toneladas de información nueva sobre el SDP.

Upcoming Events and Trainings

July 24, 2024
4:30 - 6:00 p.m. (PT)

via Zoom

An information-sharing Zoom meeting for Self-Determination Program participants from everywhere in California, family members, independent facilitators, FMSs, regional center staff, service providers, and anyone else who is interested in moving the SDP forward!

More information >>

Assembly Bill 1147

Big Problems Require Bold Solutions

The system that serves Californians with developmental disabilities has a lot of problems – systemic problems. Assemblymember Dawn Addis has recently introduced Assembly Bill #1147, which would provide the systemic solutions our system needs.

AB 1147 would make our system more equitable, more accountable, and more transparent

Learn more about AB 1147 >>

SDP Connect

Alternate Wednesdays, 4:30- 6pm via Zoom

A weekly information-sharing Zoom meeting for Self-Determination Program participants from everywhere in California, family members, regional center staff, service providers, and anyone else who is interested in moving the SDP forward! The first 15-20 minutes will be a presentation on a different topic followed by questions and answers from attendees at the meeting.

Connect >>


A man with a small beard wearing a dark blue and red flannel shirt and a gray beanie stands in front of a stovetop stirring food in a pot


Resources and information on California’s Self-Determination Program by the organization that got the law passed.

A South Asian young man standing in a snowy forest wearing a big coat, earmuffs, and a red beanie.

Meaningful Outcomes

Education, employment, fun, relationships, plus a critical safety net – all of the things that make a good life but are often hard to get for people with disabilities.

A Latino boy with short dark hair looks off to the side while sitting in a diner with a small smile.


Reports and advocacy around eradicating the racial and ethnic disparities that exist in diagnosis, services, and education for disability communities of color.

A young blonde white girl with Down syndrome stands in front of the California State Capitol wearing a blue and yellow plaid dress

Accountable Systems

The systems that support us, such as regional centers, school districts, and county health departments are not responsive enough and lack accountability.

A place for the developmental disabilities community to exchange ideas, information, and resources

Resources on the the Self-Determination Program in California., news related to the program, and forums to connect with others in the community. The Self-Determination Interchange is available in both English and Spanish.

Go to the Interchange >

Focuses on the human right to communication access. This website has plain language legal resources from Disability Rights California, news, advocacy opportunities, and forums to connect with others interested in communication access.

Go to the Interchange >

Donate to DVU

Disability Voices United needs your support to continue our important work to advocate for the rights of people with developmental and other disabilities. With virtually no overhead, every dollar you give goes straight to our programs, trainings, and advocacy for choice, equity, accountability, and meaningful outcomes.